Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So, yesterday I checked Twitter timeline and found out @angga1402’s tweet said exactly the one that I sent the message to mom and dad this morning. When I read the tweet, I was laughing so hard and went ReTweet it straightly. It was very funny! At first, I just want to have fun with my dad and mom by sending them that tweet. I didn’t have any idea that their answer would be like that. Never crossed my mind. It was really beyond my thought. Especially my dad, he is sooo plain. HAHA! If only I were a materialistic daughter, I would send this everyday. HOHO. :P Peace out, daddy! :D It was so contrary with my mom’s replied. So stingy of you lah, mommyyyy! LOL :D :D She replied: Begu which means Hantu in Batak laguange. What a great morning started with a warm laugh. Thank you Jesus {()}

P.S: Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been sooo busy with my assessments and assignments. Also, please pray for me so that I can get well very soon. Thank you so much lovely earthlings :)

Golda Regina

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